Enrico Fermi Prize

Fermi Prize Award Letter (download .pdf)
Fermi Prize Presentation (download .pdf)
Fermi Paper in RIVISTA DEL NUOVO CIMENTO: Laser Acceleration
On September 21, 2015, the Italian Physical Society awardws the Enrico Fermi Prize to Professor Toshiki Tajima, Deputy Director of IZEST at École polytechnique and Norman Rostoker Chair Professor at UC Irvine.
The 2015 “Enrico Fermi” Prize of the Italian Physical Society has been jointly awarded to Toshiki TAJIMA and Diederik S. WIERSMA for their innovative and high-impact contributions to the study of phenomena dealing with the interaction of light with matter and particles. (In particular to: Toshiki TAJIMA for the invention of the laser-wakefield-acceleration technique which led to a large number of fundamental and interdisciplinary applications ranging from accelerator science to plasma physics and astrophysics Diederik S. WIERSMA for the first observation of Anderson localisation and of anomalous transport phenomena described by Lévy statistics in the framework of his highly original research on light propagation in disordered media).
Enrico Fermi Paper (Nuovo Cimento): August 2016
Laser Acceleration — T. Tajima, K. Nakajima, and G. Mourou