Joint LLNL-ILE Seminar on High Energy Density Science
Tuesday July 12, 2022, 4:30 PM
The Institute of Laser Engineering at Osaka University and the High Energy Density Science Center at LLNL are pleased to announce a monthly joint Japan-US seminar series covering various computational and experimental aspects of HEDS. Our goal is to foster relationships, share areas of mutual interest, create opportunities for collaboration and advance the state of the art. Each seminar will be 1 hour long. The format will involve a speaker from Japan and a speaker from the US each speaking for 20 minutes with 10 minutes for questions.
High-Density Laser Wakefield Acceleration
T. Tajima
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of California, Irvine, CA 92697 USA
Laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA) is capable of accelerating electrons over a compact distance. The recent development of the high density (HD) regime of LWFA allows the relatively low energy electron acceleration over a microscopic distance with higher efficiency [1]. This HD-LWFA introduces new operations and opportunities of radiotherapy by electrons. With one such operations we may take a radiotherapy using the endoscope (LWFA via a fiber laser at its tip, for example), in which a surgeon may look at tissues via endoscope and zap electrons in front of its target inside a patient body. Because of the HD-LWFA (using nanotubes as its critical density target) is so tiny (and also more efficient) than the regular gaseous LWFA, its structure may fit such a tiny confine (and all solid state) operation [2]. The concept of operating efficient laser acceleration near the critical density also applies to laser ion accelerator [3].
[1] E. Barraza, T. Tajima, D. Strickland, and D. Roa, accepted by Photonics (2022).
[2] D. Roa et al., Photonics 9, 403 (2022).
[3] A. Necas, et al., Photonics 9, 434 (2022).