Uspekhi Forum 2021
Uspekhi Forum on Climate Change and Global Energy Issues
Tuesday January 19, 2021, 7:00 pm
CLICK HERE to view the Forum online [1.24.2021]
Official Forum Website:
CLICK HERE for Participant List
Dear esteemed colleagues:
We are pleased to announce the 2021 Uspekhi Forum on Climate Change and Global Energy Issues.
Professor Toshiki Tajima is organizing this important event which will include several international scientists who have been spearheading research on climate change and / or it’s associated energy issues and possible solutions.
This forum will focus on these important issues of the contemporary science and some of it’s impacts on society. Please check back soon for a link to the official meeting webpage that will include all of the important details.
In 2019, President Alexander Sergeev of Russian Academy of Sciences (who has been a long time scientific and personal friend of mine) asked if I would organize a scientific forum on climate change and global energy issues.
I felt that this was a very important topic for a forum so I agreed.
The organization of a large, international forum with many leading experts participating is not an easy task, however, by itself this event may become ephemeral after it is over, and thus it is well worth the effort.
Unexpectedly, we faced the COVID-19 pandemic, which made an in-person, large meeting even less realistic, so we determined that the best compromise would be to incorporate the best of the two worlds, i.e. we would organize short in-person forum in Moscow, followed by video-taped presentations of individuals who may not be able to attend in person.
We decided that we would then collect these written review articles and publish them in the Uspekhi based on their presentations.
The current plan is to organize an in-person three hour meeting at the Academy of Sciences in Moscow on January 19, 2021 at 6pm after the RAS Presidium is over. This meeting would include 6 talks, lasting approximately three hours.
We will also solicit video talk contributions that will be uploaded to the Forum website (hopefully in advance). Then we will ask each speaker (including the video speakers) to write their own review article based on their speech. We will publish these papers in a special volume of Uspekhi (with proper reviews as regulated by the journal). The authors will be encouraged to speak / write without restrictions.
We are asking that contributors accept this Forum presentation on a subject of your choice related to the spirit and topical significance on your research on climate changes and / or related energy issues. We leave the choice of topic to the decision of the participants, however, we would be glad to chat with contributors if they have questions, comments, recommendations, etc.
We look forward to hearing your suggestions, communications, and hopefully recommendations, including your own willingness to partake in this Forum.
Sincerely yours,
Toshiki Tajima
Norman Rostoker Chair Professor
University of California at Irvine
Alexander Sergeev
Russian Academy of Sciences