Digman Lab


Dr. Digman’s presentations Winter 2020:

  1. Invited Speaker, “Number and Molecular Brightness and Phasor FLIM methods for mapping p53 tetramers and Metabolic Alterations upon DNA damage”. Johns Hopkins University, March 4, 2020
  2. Invited Speaker, Photonic West, SPIE Conference 11244: Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences XX, “Fluorescence lifetime trajectory of the mouse pre-implantation embryo using the phasor approach predicts its viability”, Feb. 2, 2020.
  3. Invited Speaker, Photonic West, SPIE Conference 11246: Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Superresolution Imaging XIII, sponsored by PicoQuant. “The phasor FLIM analysis reveals metabolic modulation and cell migration through adhesion-mediated contractility”, Feb. 1, 2020
  4. Invited Speaker, Photonic West, SPIE Conference 11250: High-Speed Biomedical Imaging and Spectroscopy V, “A compact device for ultra-fast whole-cell/tissue FLIM and hyper-spectral imaging”, Feb. 1, 2020.

Winter 2020: Featured in the SPIE Photonics West show daily: “Multiphoton microscopy: deeper, wider and faster Imaging biological tissues through bone and with greater resolution takes the method to a new level.” Online at https://optics.org/showdaily/showdaily2001.pdf

Fall 2019: The Digman Lab welcomes Angel “Balam” Benitez Mata (new Ph.D. student); Natalie Malek (Ph.D. rotation student); and Persia Goudarzi (new Master’s student)

October 2–5, 2019: Dr. Digman is invited Keynote Speaker at the CLAIB 2019 – VIII Latin American Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Cancún, México.

September 2019: Congratulations to the Venugopalan, Botvinick and Digman labs for  $1.9 million RO1 grant from NIH build the ‘microtsunami’ microscope!

July 2019: Congratulations to Co-Is Siryaporn, Digman; Whiteson; & Hochbaum for winning 100k Proof of Product (POP) Grant Round 5 “Benchmarking of a fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy device for rapid antibiotic susceptibility testing (FLIM-AST) of clinical samples”

July 2019: We welcome all the new undergraduate students to our research lab for the summer: Ny’Kerria Leonard, Alexandra Pierce, Daniel Romero, Sophia Alfaro and Matthew Rosenthal,

July 2, 2019: Congratulations to Dr. Digman for being appointed BME Associate Chair for Graduate Affairs.

July 1st, 2019: Congratulations to Dr. Michelle Digman for achieving tenure! She is now Associate Professor in BME.

June 24-27, 2019: Dr. Digman is invited speaker at the 2019 Imaging Systems and Applications (OSA IS) Conference, June 24-27, 2019, Munich, Germany.

June 15–18, 2019: Dr. Digman is invited speaker at the European Human Genetics Conference (EHGS 2019); in the Educational Session:E01 New Technologies Session, Gothenburg, Sweden

June 9–15, 2019: Dr. Digman is invited speaker and lecturer at the FEBS Advanced Course, Functional imaging of nuclear organisation & signaling, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

April 2-5, 2019: Dr. Digman is invited Keynote Speaker, “V Symposium of Nanoscience and Nanomaterials 2019”, Encenada, Mexico

April 6th 2019: Congratulations to Embryologic! Ning Ma won second place in their semifinal round of the 2019 Rice University’s Business Plan Competition. The proposed company, called Embryologic, has developed a noninvasive imaging device that can assess the quality of an embryo for in vitro fertilization.

December 2018: Prof. Michelle Digman receives the NSF Career Award!
Title: CAREER: 3D Multimodal Tracking of Mitochondria During Tumor Cell Invasion
Major Goals: This proposal aims to develop innovative imaging methods to track mitochondrial movement with nanometer precision while also measuring focal adhesion dynamics with changes in matrix density and GTPase activation at cellular protrusions and at invading structures within tumor cells called invadopodia

September 2018: The Digman Lab welcomes Prof. Dora Luz Flores who is a recipient of the Fulbright Scholarship and on Sabbatical from Department of Engineering at Universidad Autónoma de Baja California at Ensenada, Mexico.

September 2018: Congratulations to Ning Ma being recognized as ‘Stand-Out Innovator’s’ with Inaugural Maschoff Brennan Scholarship and receiving the Young Investigator Award from the Foundation of Reproductive Medicine


August 6, 2018: Congratulations to Prof. Digman for being elected as Council member for the Biophysical Society (3-year term)!

July 12, 2018: Congratulations to Michael Murata for the successful defense of  his Thesis!

June 16, 2018: Henry Samueli School of Engineering Hooding Ceremony: Congratulations to all the Digman lab students who have and will defend their thesis this year: (left to right) Ning Ma, Yue Dong (Brewer lab), Michael Murata (Ph.D.), Sara Sameni (Ph.D.), Andrew Trinh and Emma Mah (Ph.D.):

June 1, 2018: Dr. Digman gives her talk: “The Phasor-FLIM Approach to Characterize Metabolism and Predict Viability of Pre-implantation Embryo.” at the Southern California Biomedical Imaging and Machine Learning Symposium, UCIrvine.

June 2018: Congratulations to Ning Ma and Team members of “Emlumination” for being accepted to the Wayfinder Incubator Program!

June – August: We welcome our summer Undergraduates: Anne Okrah (Hampton University), Celine Saade, Freddie Adame and Vanessa Ramos!

May 25, 2018: Congratulations to Emma Mah (now Emma Fong) for the successful defense of  her Thesis! Emma starts her new Postdoctoral position at USC in July!

May 19, 2018: Congratulations to Xiantong Yang who presented “Time Lapse Phasor-FLIM Analysis of Huntington’s disease Inclusions” at the 2018 UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium (UROP)

May 2018: Congratulations to Ning Ma and Team members of “Emlumination” for being accepted to the I-Corps (NSF funded program) for Entrepreneurship training!

May 2018: Congratulations to Linghao Kong for being chosen to be a Rabi Scholar at Columbia University.

April 10, 2018: Congratulations to Austin Lefebvre for being awarded the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Award! (GRFP)

April 5, 2018: Dr. Digman gives her talk:”Spatial Distribution of p53 and Mitochondria; Geared for Invasion.” at the Imaging Subcellular to Cellular Cancer Biology, April 5-6th, 2018, NIH, Sponsored by National Cancer Institute and American Society for Cell Biology

April 2018: Welcome Anthony Tsai, rotation graduate student in the Dept. Chemical Engineering and Materials Sciences, to the lab!

April 2018: Welcome Daniel Hadraba, Visiting Scholar from FTVS, Charles University, Czech Republic, to the lab!

March 15, 2018: Congratulations to Sara Sameni for the successful defense of  her Thesis!

February 17, 2018: Prof. Digman organized and was the Chair the Biological Fluorescence Subgroup Meeting at the 62nd Annual Meeting Biophysical Society Meeting.

February 2018: Congratulations Emma on receiving the prestigious UCI AGS Travel Grant!

February 2018: Congratulations to Emma and Gabby for your archived file  title  “Collagen stiffness modulates MDA-MB231 cell metabolism through adhesion-mediated contractility” Emma J. Mah, Gabrielle E. McGahey, Albert F. Yee, Michelle A. Digman.

January 29, 2018:  Congratulations to Linghao Kong and Michael Murata on the publication as first co-authors for your work, Kong, L., Murata, M. M. & Digman, M. A. Absence of REV3L promotes p53-regulated cancer cell metabolism in cisplatin-treated lung carcinoma cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 496, 199-204, doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2018.01.026 (2018

January 19, 2018: Congratulations to the UROP Grant/Fellowship recipients: Stephanie M. Pascua, Gabrielle McGahey, Xiantong Yang and Siddharth Verma!!! All of our BME research undergraduates.

December 22, 2017: Congratulations to Sara Sameni on the publication as first author for your work, Sameni, S., Malacrida, L., Tan, Z. & Digman, M. A. Alteration in Fluidity of Cell Plasma Membrane in Huntington Disease Revealed by Spectral Phasor Analysis. Scientific Reports 8, 734, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-19160-0 (2018).

December 6, 2017: Congratulations to Andrew Trinh on the publication as first author for your work, “Tracking Functional Tumor Cell Subpopulations of Malignant Glioma by Phasor Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy of

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