Monica graduated from Michigan State University in 2005 with her BS in Animal Sciences and from Purdue University in 2010 with her PhD in Animal Behavior and Welfare. She then worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, where she studied neuroinflammation and cognition in piglets. At UC Irvine, Monica characterized the microglia-depleted mouse and continues to study the effects of microglia depletion and repopulation in aging. Monica enjoys reading fantasy novels, eating french fries, volunteering at animal shelters, and organizing the lives of her closest friends.
Chronic elimination of microglia in the 5xfAD mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease attenuates dendritic spine loss and cognitive impairments without modulating amyloid pathology.
Spangenberg EE, Rice RA, Elmore MRP, Blurton-Jones M, West BL, Green KN. Brain. In Press Click Here to Download
Colony stimulating factor 1 receptor inhibition prevents plaque-associated microglia and improves cognition in 3xTg-AD mice.
Dagher NN*, Najafi AR*, Neely Kayala KM, Elmore MRP, White T, Medeiros R, West BL, and Green KN. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 2015, 12:139 Click here to Download
Characterizing newly repopulated microglia in the adult mouse: impacts on animal behavior, cell morphology, and neuroinflammation.
Elmore MR, Lee RJ, West BL, Green KN. PLoS One. 2015 Apr 7;10(4):e0122912 Click Here to Download
Colony-Stimulating Factor 1 Receptor Signaling Is Necessary for Microglia Viability, Unmasking a Microglia Progenitor Cell in the Adult Brain.
Elmore MRP*, Najafi AR*, Koike MA, Dagher NN, Spangenberg EE, Rice RA, Kitazawa M, Matusow B, Nguyen H, West BL, Green KN. Neuron. 16 April 2014.
Respiratory viral infection in neonatal piglets causes marked microglia activation in the hippocampus and deficits in spatial learning.
Elmore MRP, Burton MD, Conrad MC, Rytych JL, Van Alstine W, Johnson RW. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2014;34(6):2120-2129.
The world is a natural laboratory, and social media is the new petri dish.
Rault J-L, Elmore MRP, Biehl DJ, Russell MA, Garner JP. Ethology. 2013;119 (10): 803-806.
Early life iron deficiency impairs spatial cognition in neonatal piglets.
Rytych JL, Elmore MRP, Burton MD, Dilger RN, Johnson RW. Journal of Nutrition. 2012;142(11):2050-2056.
Differing results for behavioral measures and motivation tests: The value of environmental enrichment to gestating sows housed in stalls.
Elmore MRP, Garner JP, Johnson AK, Kirkden RD, Patterson-Kane EG, Richert BT, Pajor EA. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 2012;141:9-19.
If you knew what was good for you! The value of environmental enrichments with known welfare benefits is not demonstrated by sows using operant techniques.
Elmore MRP, Garner JP, Johnson AK, Kirkden RD, Richert BT, Pajor EA. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science. 2012;15(3):254-271.
Place and direction learning in a spatial T-maze task by neonatal piglets.
Elmore MRP, Dilger RN, Johnson RW. Animal Cognition. 2012;15(4):667-676.
Getting around social status: Motivation and enrichment use of dominant and subordinate sows in a group setting.
Elmore MRP, Garner JP, Johnson AK, Kirkden RD, Richert BT, Pajor EA. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 2011;133(3-4):154-163.
A flooring comparison: The impact of rubber mats on the health, behavior, and welfare of group housed sows at breeding.
Elmore MRP, Garner JP, Johnson AK, Richert BT, Pajor EA. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 2010;123(1-2):7-15.
Operant animal welfare: productive approaches and persistent difficulties.
Patterson-Kane EG, Pittman MR, Pajor EA . Animal Welfare. 2008;17(2):139-148.