Please select from the links below to explore our RNA-seq datasets in an interactive fashion.

Datasets related to microglia depletion or CSF1R inhibitor treatment:

Effects of microglial depletion on cortical diurnal gene expression
From cortical tissue from wild-type adult mice with or without 10 days PLX5622 (1200 ppm in chow), every 4 hours throughout a 24 hour period.
From: Cortical diurnal rhythms remain intact with microglial depletion. Scientific Reports, (2022) 12:114 Click Here to Read

Effects of 2 months treatment of CSF1R+/- mice, a model of ALSP, with the CSF1R inhibitor PLX5622
6 month old wild-type and CSF1R+/- mice treated with 150 ppm PLX5622 (in chow) until 8 months of age.
From: Microglial dyshomeostasis drives perineuronal net and synaptic loss in a CSF1R+/- mouse model of ALSP which can be rescued via CSF1R inhibitors. Science Advances  25 Aug 2021: Vol. 7, no. 35 Click Here to Read

Effects of 6 months microglial depletion in wild-type and 5xfAD mice
1.5 month old wild-type and 5xfAD mice treated until 7 months of age with 1200 ppm PLX5622 (in chow).
Brains microdissected into cortices, hippocampus, and thalamus+striatum.
From: Sustained microglial depletion with CSF1R inhibitor impairs parenchymal plaque development in an Alzheimer’s disease model.  Nature Communications 10, Article number: 3758 (2019) Click Here to Download 

Effects of long-term microglial depletion in 5xFAD, hTau, and 5xFAD/hTau mice
1.5 month old mice (Wild-Type, 5xFAD, hTau, and 5xFAD/hTau) treated with PLX5622 (1200 ppm in chow) until 6 months of age. RNA-seq performed on microdissected hippocampi.

Effects of microglial depletion in the striatum of wild-type and the R6/2 mouse model of Huntingtons disease
6 week old wild-type and R6/2 mice treated with 275 ppm PLX3397 (in chow) until 11 weeks of age. From striatal homogenates.
From: Microglial depletion prevents extracellular matrix changes and striatal volume reduction in a model of Huntington’s disease. Brain 2020 Jan 1;143(1):266-288 Click Here to Download

Datasets related to microglial/myeloid cell repopulation:

Gene expression in brain extracted microglia and White Matter repopulation myeloid cells following systemic LPS administration
8 week old mice treated with PLX3397 (600 ppm in chow) for 14 days, then drug withdrawn to stimulate white matter repopulation. 28 days later, mice were administered LPS (IP; 0.33 mg/kg), and then sacrificed 6, and 24 hours later. Myeloid cells were then extracted via FACS, RNA extracted, and RNA-seq performed. From brain extracted (FACS) myeloid cells.
From: Subventricular zone/white matter microglia reconstitute the empty adult microglial niche in a dynamic wave. Elife – 2021 Aug 23;10:e66738. doi: 10.7554/eLife.66738 Click Here to Read

Gene expression of the microdissected subventricular zone in control, microglia depleted, and early White Matter repopulation
8 week old mice treated with PLX3397 (600 ppm in chow) for 14 days, then drug withdrawn to stimulate white matter repopulation. 5 days later the subcentricular zone was microdissected, RNA extracted, and RNA-seq performed. From subventricular zone homogenates.
From: Subventricular zone/white matter microglia reconstitute the empty adult microglial niche in a dynamic wave. Elife – 2021 Aug 23;10:e66738. doi: 10.7554/eLife.66738 Click Here to Read

Gene Expression changes in Cortex, Hippocampus, and Thalamus with long-term monocyte engraftment
To explore the effects of long-term monocyte engraftment on the brain, we replaced the microglial tissue with monocytes and then waited 6 months. The brains were extracted and microdissected into cortex, hippocampus, and thalamus/striatum. Bulk tissue RNA was then extracted, and sequencing performed.
From: Effects of long-term replacement of the microglial tissue with peripheral bone-marrow derived myeloid cells on the neuronal landscape and cognition.  Journal of Neuroinflammation – 2020 Sep 20;17(1):279 Click Here To Download

Effects of repeated microglial depletion and repopulation cycles
2 month old mice treated with 600 ppm PLX3397 for 7 days (98% elimination of microglia), then drug withdrawn for 7 days to stimulate repopulation, repeated for 2, and 3, cycles. From whole brains homogenates.
This dataset accompanies the manuscript “A limited capacity for microglial repopulation in the adult brain“.

Datasets related to Alzheimer’s disease animal models:

Gene expression time course of 5xFAD mice
Cortex and hippocampal gene expression from wild-type and 5xFAD mice at 4, 8, 12, and 18 months of age.
From: Systematic phenotyping and characterization of the 5xFAD mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. Scientific Data 8, 270 (2021). Click Here to Read

Gene expression time course of 3xTg-AD mice
Cortex and hippocampal gene expression from wild-type and 3xTg-AD mice at 4, 12, and 18 months of age.
From: Systematic Phenotyping and Characterization of the 3xTg-AD Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease. Front. Neurosci. 15:785276. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2021.785276. Click Here to Read

Gene expression time course of hAβ -KI mice
Hippocampal gene expression from wild-type and hAβ-KI mice at 4, 12, 18, and 24 months of age.
From: Generation of a humanized Aβ expressing mouse demonstrating aspects of Alzheimer’s disease-like pathology. Nature Communications, 2021 Apr 23;12(1):2421. * corresponding author Click Here to Read

Effects of genetic diversity on gene expression changes in Collaborative Cross backgrounds in the presence and absence of the 5xFAD transgene
5xFAD mice were crossed with CC002, CC006, CC013, CC017, CC037, and CC041 to generate Wild-Type and 5xFAD F1’s. These were then aged to 4 and 12 months of age.

Effects of Trem2*R47H variant on hippocampal gene expression in 5xFAD mice
5xFAD mice were crossed with Trem2*R47H mice, and aged to 4, and 12, months of age. Gene expression data is available from hippocampus.

Effects of Picalm*H458R variant on hippocampal gene expression in 5xFAD mice
5xFAD mice were crossed with Picalm*H458R mice, and aged to 4, and 12, months of age. Gene expression data is available from hippocampus.

Effects of Abca7*V1599M variant on hippocampal gene expression in 5xFAD mice
5xFAD mice were crossed with Abca7*V1599M mice, and aged to 4, and 12, months of age. Gene expression data is available from hippocampus.

Effects of Abi3*S209F variant on hippocampal gene expression in 5xFAD mice
5xFAD mice were crossed with Abi3*S209F mice, and aged to 4, and 12, months of age. Gene expression data is available from hippocampus.