Category: papers

New review in Trends in Neurosciences

neuron representation

Our TiNS review “Neurocognitive aging and the hippocampus across species” is now online. Here are some of the trends we discuss in the article: The role of neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus in the context of neurocognitive aging has been recently revisited, given data suggesting that neurogenesis continues into older adulthood. The lateral entorhinal and…

Press release on our Stimulus Repetition Paper in Learning Memory!


Our recent paper in Learning & Memory, which tests a key prediction of our Competitive Trace Theory, was covered in a UC Irvine press release today! Here’s the write-up: UC Irvine neurobiologists Zachariah Reagh and Michael Yassa have found that while repetition enhances the factual content of memories, it can reduce the amount of detail…

New paper: Stimulus repetition and memory interference.

Stock photo for target recognition study

New paper by Zach Reagh in Learning and Memory. Here he is with the paper pony! Reagh, Z.M. & Yassa, M.A. (2014). Repetition strengthens target recognition but impairs similar lure discrimination: evidence for trace competition. Learning & Memory DOI doi/10.1101/lm.034546.114. Abstract: Most theories of memory assume that representations are strengthened with repetition. We recently proposed…

New paper: Temporal discrimination in older adults

New paper by graduate student Jared Roberts. Here he is with the paper pony! Roberts J.M., Ly, M., Murray, E., Yassa, M.A. (2014) Temporal discrimination deficits as a function of lag interference in older adults. Hippocampus DOI:10.1002/hipo.22303 Abstract A vital component of episodic memory is the ability to determine the temporal order of remembered events. Although it has been…

New paper: Pattern separation and emotional information

Stock brain photo for pattern separation study

New paper by graduate student Stephanie Leal. Here she is holding the paper pony! Leal, S.L., Tighe, S.K., Jones, C.K., Yassa, M.A. (2014) Pattern separation of emotional information in  hippocampal dentate and CA3.Hippocampus DOI:10.1002/hipo.22298. Abstract: Emotional arousal, mediated by the amygdala, is known to modulate episodic memories stored by the hippocampus, a region involved in pattern separation (the…

News and Views: Ground Zero in Alzheimer’s Disease, Nature Neuroscience

Stock photo for Alzheimer's study

Our News and Views piece covering the fantastic work by Khan and colleagues in Nature Neuroscience is out in the current issue. Abstract: New findings in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease patients and mouse models of the disease suggest that it is the lateral, rather than the medial, entorhinal cortex that is most susceptible to tau pathology early…

CTT buzz: Frontiers rankings and Scientific American!

Stock photo for ctt media buzz

Our article on Competitive Trace Theory has apparently been a hit and is gaining traction at least with the online community. Here are some of the recent statistics reported by Altmetric. We’re in the top 5% of all articles ever tracked by Altmetric! The article has also received some attention from Tweeters and bloggers. Of…

New paper: Spatial discrimination in older adults

Stock photo for memory loss illustration

A new paper from our lab just went in press! Reagh, Z.M., Roberts, J.M., Ly, M., DiProspero, N., Murray, E., Yassa, M.A. (2013) Spatial discrimination deficits as a function of mnemonic interference in aged adults with and without memory impairment. Hippocampus DOI: 10.1002/hipo.22224 Congratulations to first author Zach Reagh! Abstract: It is well established that aging is…