Video Editing

Video editing software is useful in the way that it allows the researcher to view various types of video file. In addition, editing software enables the researcher to cut, rearrange, brighten, adjust color, and more. Depending on the use of the video, such as showing clips to participants for interviews, the software will be a useful or a much needed tool.

There are various video editing tools available; some are free and some are not.  While many film production companies and studios have their own proprietary software that isn’t commercially available, there are a few software packages that are.  One is Adobe Premiere.  Adobe Premiere is a professional video editing software that many studios uses.

Here is an outline about the program.

Another commercially available video editing software package is Final Cut, which is only available for the Macintosh platform.

Free video editing software is available that may not have the more advanced features of the commercial software packages.  However, for the purpose of editing videos for educational research, many of these software options would suffice.

A free option is Windows Movie Maker which is only available for PC’s.  Another one is iMovie which comes with Macintosh and is only available for Macintosh.