

A complete list of Fan-Gang Zeng’s publications and their citation information can be found on Google Scholar.

Special Issues and Books:

Digital Hearing Health, edited by QL Meng, J Chen, C Zhang, DL Barbour and FG Zeng, A collection of 31 articles published in: Frontiers in Digital Health, Psychology, Neuroscience, Neurology, Medicine and Public Health, 2022.

BRAIN Special Issue, edited by F, Besio W, Chen W, Ding L, Henriquez C, Irazoqui P, Loughlin P, Marmarelis V, Muller-Putz G, Muller K, Sawan M, Zeng FG, and Ziaie B. IEEE Transactions in Biomedical Engineering, 63(1), 2016.

Recognizing the journey and celebrating the achievement of cochlear implants, edited by Fan-Gang Zeng and Barbara Canlon for the Lasker Award Special Issue of Hearing Research Volume 322, Pages 1-242 (April 2015).

Sense and Sensibility in Neuroengineering, edited by Fan-Gang Zeng and Silvestro Micera for IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. The 18 papers in this special issue focus on sensory neural prostheses and their enabling technologies.

Micro- and Nanotechnology for Neurotology, edited by Zeng F.-G. (Irvine, Calif.) “Development of microphones, electrodes, and gyroscopes for the next generation hearing aids, cochlear and vestibular implants, as well as new protocols to deliver drugs and control nerve growth in the inner ear.”

曾凡钢(Zeng FG)等编著、平利川等翻译的《人工听觉–新视野》是2011年 Springer出版的“听觉研究手册系列”丛书的一卷 Auditory Prostheses New Horizons的中文版,覆 盖了当前人工听觉的新进展。

Tinnitus (Springer Handbook of Auditory Research Volume 44). Editors: Eggermont, J.J., Zeng, F.-G., Popper, A., Fay, R.R. Focuses on neural mechanisms of tinnitus and its behavioral consequences.

Auditory Prostheses: New Horizon (Springer Handbook of Auditory Research Volume 39). Editors: Zeng, F.-G., Popper, A., Fay, R.R.

Cochlear Implants (Springer Handbook of Auditory Research Volume 20). Editors: Zeng, F.-G., Popper, A., Fay, R.R.

Fundamentals of Hearing Science: Edited by 王坚、蒋涛和曾凡钢(Zeng FG),国内外17位从事听觉科学研究的专家、学者和教授共同编写的《听觉科学概论》共十八章,近60万字,涉及广泛,从听觉科学基础声学到频率编码和音调感知,从内耳感受器细胞生理到耳蜗场电位和听觉物象识别,作者试图从不同的角度来探讨对听觉科学这门涉及多学科的边缘科学的认识和理解。



Wang, X., Ge, J., Meller, L., Yang, Y., & Zeng, F.G. (2024). Speech intelligibility and talker identification with non-telephone frequencies. JASA Express Letters, 4(7), 075202. (2024 Wang JASA EL.pdf)

Richardson, M. L., Luo, J., & Zeng, F.G. (2024). Attention-modulated cortical responses as a biomarker for tinnitus. Brain Sciences, 14(5), 421. (2024 BioMarkerTinnitus.pdf)

Chung, K., & Zeng, F.G. (2024). Over-the-counter hearing aids: Implementations and opportunities. Frontiers in Audiology and Otology, 2, Article 1347437. (2024 OTC HearingAids.pdf)

Yang, Y., & Zeng, F.G. (2024). Syllable-rate-adjusted modulation (SRAM) predicts clear and conversational speech intelligibility. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 18, Article 1324027. (2024 Yang SRAM.pdf)

Zeng, F.G. (2024). Gene therapy restored partial hearing in a dozen deaf children. The Hearing Journal, 77(4), 1–2. (2024 Zeng Gene.pdf)


Zeng, F.G. (2023). Over-the-counter hearing aids: Hype or hope. The Hearing Journal, 76(12), 6. (2023 OTC Hearing aids.pdf)

Schilling, A., Sedley, W., Gerum, R., Metzner, C., Tziridis, K., Maier, A., Schulze, H., Zeng, F.G., Friston, K. J., & Krauss, P. (2023). Predictive coding and stochastic resonance as fundamental principles of auditory phantom perception. Brain, 146(12), 4809–4825. (2023 Brain.pdf)

Kitzes, L., Kraus, N., Pratt, H., & Zeng, F.G. (2023). Celebrating Arnold Starr, MD. The Hearing Journal, 76(9), 14. (2023 Starr.pdf)

郗昕, 公泽忠, & 曾凡钢 (Zeng, F.G.). (2023). OTC hearing aids: Opportunities and challenges (非处方助听器:机遇与挑战并存). Journal of Audiology and Speech Pathology, 31, 293–298. (2023 OCT Chinese.pdf)

曾凡钢 (Zeng, F.-G.). (2023). Artificial intelligence applications in audiology: AI 和 OTC 助听器. Presented at Beijing International Audiology Conference. (2023 Zeng ArtificalIntellApps.pdf)

Meng, Q., Zhou, H., Lu, T., & Zeng, F.G. (2023). Pulsatile Gaussian-enveloped tones (GET) for cochlear-implant simulation. Applied Acoustics, 208, Article 109386. (2023 AppliedAcoustics.pdf)

Muhonen, E. G., Abouzari, M., Yang, Y., Zeng, F.G., & Djalilian, H. R. (2023). Audiometric validation of a smart watch decibel meter. JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery, 149(5), 466–467. (2023 JAMA oto.pdf)

Zeng, F.G., & Turner, K. E. (2023). Tinnitus as central noise revealed by increased loudness at thresholds. Frontiers in Audiology and Otology, 1, Article 1272880. (2023 Central noise.pdf)


Sorkin, Donna L; Zeng, FG. Second-Time Hearing Handicap. The Hearing Journal 75(12):p 6, December 2022. | DOI: 10.1097/01.HJ.0000904484.17807.43 (2022 HearingHandicap.pdf)

Yang Ni, Nicholas Lesica, Zeng, FG and Mohsen Imani. 2022. Neurally-Inspired Hyperdimensional Classification for Efficient and Robust Biosignal Processing. In Proceedings of the 41st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD ’22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 34, 1–9. (2022 Ni IEEE./ACMpdf)

Morgan Shae, Zeng FG, CLark Jackie. Adopting Change and Incorporating TechnologicalAdvancements in Audiology Education, Research,and Clinical Practice. American Journal of Audiology (2022). (2022 ASHA AJA.pdf)

Meng QL, Chen Jing , Zhang Changxin , Wasmann Jan-Willem A. , Barbour Dennis L. , Zeng FG. Digital hearing healthcare. Frontiers in Digital Health 4 (2022). 10.3389/fdgth.2022.959761 (2022 FrontiersDig.pdf)

Zeng, F.G.; Celebrating the one millionth cochlear implant. JASA Express Lett. 1 July 2022; 2 (7): 077201. (2022 Zeng JASA.pdf)

Wilson, B.S., Tucci, D.L., Moses, D.A., Edward F Chang, Nancy M Young, Fan-Gang Zeng, Nicholas A Lesica, Andrés M Bur, Hannah Kavookjian, Caroline Mussatto, Joseph Penn, Sara Goodwin, Shannon Kraft, Guanghui Wang, Jonathan M Cohen, Geoffrey S Ginsburg, Geraldine Dawson, Howard W Francis.  Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence in Otolaryngology and the Communication Sciences. JARO 23, 319–349 (2022). (2022 AI JARO.pdf)

Suh, Myung-Whan, Phillip Tran, Matthew Richardson, Shuping Sun, Yuchen Xu, Hamid R. Djalilian, Harrison W. Lin, Fan-Gang Zeng, Electric hearing and tinnitus suppression by noninvasive ear stimulation, Hearing Research, Volume 415, 2022, 108431, ISSN 0378-5955, (2022 Electric hearing tinnitus suppression.pdf)

Turner, K., Moshtaghi, O., Saez, N., Richardson, M., Djalilian, H., Zeng, FG, & Lin, H. (2022). Auditory Brainstem Response Wave I Amplitude Has Limited Clinical Utility in Diagnosing Tinnitus in Humans. Brain Sciences12(2), 142. (2022 BrainSci.pdf)

D’Onofrio KL and Zeng FG (2022) Tele-Audiology: Current State and Future Directions. Front. Digit. Health 3:788103. doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2021.788103 (2022 Tele-Audiology.pdf)


Cerf, Vinton G.; Zeng, Fan-Gang. Smartphones and Hearing Aids. The Hearing Journal 74(12):p 6,8, December 2021. | DOI: 10.1097/01.HJ.0000804828.64284.c9 (2021 Zeng Hearing.pdf)

Tran, Phillip, Matthew L. Richardson, Fan-Gang Zeng, Input–Output Functions in Human Heads Obtained With Cochlear Implant and Transcranial Electric Stimulation, Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface, Volume 24, Issue 8, 2021, Pages 1402-1411, ISSN 1094-7159, (2021 Neuromodulation.pdf)

Lesica, N.A., Mehta, N., Manjaly, J.G., Deng, L., Wilson, BS, Zeng, FG. Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to transform hearing healthcare and research. Nat Mach Intell 3, 840–849 (2021). (2021 Nature Machine Intell.pdf)

Mao W, Ogbuoji O, Watkins D, Bharali I, Nsiah-Boateng E, Mohamed Mustafa Diab, Duah Dwomoh, Dean T Jamison, Preeti Kumar, Kaci Kennedy McDade, Justice Nonvignon, Yewande Ogundeji, Zeng, FG, Armand Zimmerman, Gavin Yamey (2021) Achieving global mortality reduction targets and universal health coverage: The impact of COVID-19. PLOS Medicine 18(6): e1003675. (2021 PLOS Medicine.pdf)

Sun, S., Kapolowicz, M.R., Richardson, M., Metherate R, Zeng FG. Task-dependent effects of nicotine treatment on auditory performance in young-adult and elderly human nonsmokers. Sci Rep 11, 13187 (2021). (2021 Nicotine.pdf)

Hamza Y and Zeng FG (2021) Tinnitus Is Associated With Improved Cognitive Performance in Non-hispanic Elderly With Hearing Loss. Front. Neurosci. 15:735950. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2021.735950 (2021 Cognition Tinnitus.pdf)


Zeng FG, M Richardson, K Turner. Tinnitus Does Not Interfere with Auditory and Speech Perception. Journal of Neuroscience 40 (31), 6007-6017 2020.(2020 Zeng Tinnitus JN).  Subject information (Extended Data Fig. 1-1). Dr. John Coverstone’s Science and Research News Article in Tinnitus Today (2020 Tinnitus Today). Drs. Kameron K. Clayton and Elouise A. Koops wrote a journal club article proposing different mechanisms on “An Auditory Phantom Percept That Does Not Impair External Sound Perception“.

Zeng FG. Tinnitus and hyperacusis: central noise, gain and variance. Current Opinion in Physiology 18, 123-129, 2020. from a themed issue on Physiology of mammalian hearing Edited by Paul Fuchs and Barbara Shinn-Cunningham (2020 Zeng variance.pdf)

Zeng FG. A Unified Theory of Psychophysical Laws in Auditory Intensity Perception. Frontiers in Psychology 11 (1459), doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01459 2020. (2020 Zeng Frontier)

Huang J, T Lu, B Sheffield, FG Zeng. Electro-tactile stimulation enhances cochlear-implant melody recognition: Effects of rhythm and musical training. Ear and Hearing 41 (1), 106-113 2020. (2020 Huang ETS music)

Kapolowicz MR, Montazeri V, Baese-Berk MM, Zeng FG and Assmann PF (2020). Rapid adaptation to non-native speech is impaired in cochlear implant users. J Acoust Soc Am Express Letters.148 (3), (2020 Kapolowicz JASA EL).

Pham CQ, MR Kapolowicz, R Metherate, FG Zeng. Nicotine enhances auditory processing in healthy and normal-hearing young adult nonsmokers. Psychopharmacology 237 (3), 833-840 2020. (2020 Pham Nicotine)

Clark J, J Donai, N Kraus, K Smith, S Sydlowski, FG Zeng. Audiological Needs, Solutions in COVID-19. The Hearing Journal73 (6), 6-8 2020. (2020 COVID19).

曾凡钢 (Zeng FG). 畅听人生:别让听障限制您 (Hearing for life: Don’t let hearing loss limit you). Intellectuals 知识分子 ( 2020/3/3. (2020 Hearing for life.pdf)

曾凡钢 (Zeng FG). WIN with brains and actions. Intellectuals 知识分子 ( 数据告诉你,论文引文里有多少性别偏见) 2020/10/19. (2020 citation bias.pdf)


Zeng FG, M Richardson, P Tran, H Lin, H Djalilian. Tinnitus treatment using noninvasive and minimally invasive electric stimulation: experimental design and feasibility. Trends in hearing 23, 2331216518821449 2019. (2019 Zeng Tinnitus TiH)

Zeng FG, P Tran, M Richardson, S Sun, Y Xu. Human sensation of transcranial electric stimulation. Scientific reports 9 (1), 1-12 1 2019.(2019 Zeng Human Sensation.pdf)

郗昕, 曾凡钢 ( Zeng FG). 助听技术发展的新趋势(Trends in Hearing Aid Technology. Journal of Audiology and Speech Pathology 27 (6), 585-586 2019. (2019 Xin Zeng.pdf)

Zeng FG. Cochlear Implants. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA. 379-384 2019. (2019 Sage Encyclopedia)

Zeng FG. Where is My Hearing Plan? The Hearing Journal 72 (12), 6 2019. (2019 Zeng Hearing Plan)


Rebscher S, DD Zhou, FG Zeng. Development and clinical introduction of the nurotron cochlear implant electrode array. The Journal of International Advanced Otology 14 (3), 392 1 2018. (2018 Rebsecher)

Xu Y, C Luo, FG Zeng, JC Middlebrooks, HW Lin, Z You. Study of the Carrier-Aided Thin Film Electrode Array Design for Cochlear Insertion. Micromachines 9 (5), 206 2018. (2018 Xu Micromachines)

Zeng FG. Increase Awareness, Responsibility: Lessons from the ‘Sonic Attacks’. The Hearing Journal 71 (12), 6 2018. (2018 Zeng Sonic Attack)


Huang, J., B. Sheffield, P. Lin and F.-G. Zeng (2017). “Electro-Tactile Stimulation Enhances Cochlear Implant Speech Recognition in Noise.” Scientific Reports 7(1): 2196. (2017 Huang ETS)

Huang, J, J Chang, Zeng, F-G (2017). “Electro-tactile stimulation (ETS) enhances cochlear-implant Mandarin tone recognition.” World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery (3): 219-223. (2017 Huang ETS tone)

Yang, H.-I. and F.-G. Zeng (2017). “Bimodal benefits in Mandarin-speaking cochlear implant users with contralateral residual acoustic hearing.” International Journal of Audiology 56: S17–S22. (2017 Yang Mandarin)

Zeng, F.-G. (2017). “Challenges in Improving Cochlear Implant Performance and Accessibility.” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 64(8): 1662-1664. (2017 Zeng CI challenges)

Dorman, M., F. G. Zeng and J. Hansen (2017). Helmholtz-Rayleigh Interdisciplinary Silver Medal in Psychological and Physiological Acoustics, Speech Communication, and Signal Processing in Acoustics: Blake S. Wilson, ASA. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141 (5): 3761-3764. (2017 Wilson ASA award)

Zeng, F.G. (2017). A New Landscape for Hearing Aids. The Hearing Journal 70 (12): 6. (2017 Zeng A New Landscape)

Zeng, F.G. and Bacala, T.M. (2017). Reflections in Audiology: 2017 Paves the Way for New Opportunities. The Hearing Journal 70 (12): 26-27. (2017 Zeng Bacala)


Dimitrijevic, A., J Alsamri, MS John, D Purcell, S George, FG Zeng (2016). “Human Envelope Following Responses to Amplitude Modulation: Effects of Aging and Modulation Depth.” Ear and Hearing 37 (5), e322-e335. (2016 Dimitrijevic)

Gao, N., X.-D. Xu, F.-L. Chi, F.-G. Zeng, Q.-J. Fu, X.-H. Jia, Y.-B. Yin, L.-C. Ping, H.-Y. Kang, H.-H. Feng, Y.-Z. Wu and Y. Jiang (2016). “Objective and subjective evaluations of the Nurotron Venus cochlear implant system via animal experiments and clinical trials.” Acta Oto-Laryngologica 136(1): 68-77. (2016 Gao.pdf)

银力, 屠文河, 高姗仙, 童丹阳, 滕晓芳, 许泽荣, 曹永茂, 胡宝华. 曾凡钢 (Zeng FG). (2016). “耳聋与助听设备的选择 (Deafness and Hearing Aid or Prostheses Selection).” 中国医疗器械信息(China Medical Device Information) 22 (3): 23-29,63. (2016 Yin)

Zeng, F.-G. (2016). “Why Does Medicare Cover Cochlear Implants But Not Hearing Aids?” The Hearing Journal 69 (9): 22-23. (2016 Zeng Medicare)

Zeng, F.-G. (2016). “Goodbye Google Glass, Hello Smart Earphones.” The Hearing Journal 69 (12): 6. (2016 Zeng Smart Earphones)


Zeng, F.-G., S. J. Rebscher, Q.-J. Fu, H. Chen, X. Sun, L. Yin, L. Ping, H. Feng, S. Yang, S. Gong, B. Yang, H. Kang, N. Gao and F. Chi (2015). “Development and evaluation of the Nurotron 26-electrode cochlear implant system.” Hearing research 322: 188-199. (2015 Zeng Chi.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. (曾凡钢), S. J. Rebscher, 付前杰, 陈洪斌, 孙晓安, 银力, 平利川, 冯海弘, 杨仕明,  龚树生, 杨蓓蓓, 康厚墉, 高娜, 迟放鲁 (2015). “诺尔康 26 电极人工耳蜗植入系统的开发及评估 (A Chinese version of the Zeng et al. 2015 Nurotron Hearing Research paper).” 中国听力语言康复科学杂志 (Chinese Scientific Journal of Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation) 13(2): 88-97. (2015 诺尔康.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G., H. Djalilian and H. Lin (2015). “Tinnitus treatment with precise and optimal electric stimulation: opportunities and challenges.” Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 23(5): 382–387. (2015 Zeng Djalilian Lin.pdf)

Wynne, D. P., S. E. George and F.-G. Zeng (2015). “Amplitude modulation reduces loudness adaptation to high-frequency tones.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138(1): 279-283. (2015 Wynne.pdf)

Pham, C. Q., P. Bremen, W. Shen, S.-M. Yang, J. C. Middlebrooks, F.-G. Zeng and M. Mc Laughlin (2015). “Central Auditory Processing of Temporal and Spectral-Variance Cues in Cochlear Implant Listeners.” PloS one 10(7): e0132423. (2015 Pham.pdf)

Lopez Valdes, A., M. M. Laughlin, L. Viani, P. Walshe, J. Smith, F.-G. Zeng and R. B. Reilly (2015). “Electrophysiological correlates of spectral discrimination for cochlear implant users.”  The 7th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER): 671-674. (2015 Valdes.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G., S.-M. Yang and Z. Gao (2015). “Cochlear Implantation: Asia–Pacific Symposium Is an Emerging Force.” The Hearing Journal 68(7): 8-9. (2015 APSCI.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. and B. Canlon (2015). “Recognizing the journey and celebrating the achievement of cochlear implants.” Hearing research(322): 1-3. (2015 Lasker.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. (2015). “Uncovering Hidden Hearing Loss.” The Hearing Journal 68(1): 6. (2015 hidden hearing loss.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. (2015). “Do or Die for Hearing Aid Industry.” Hearing Journal 68(12): 6. (2015 Do or Die for Hearing Aid Industry.pdf)

[2016 American Society of Healthcare Publication Editors (ASHPE) Award for Best Commentary (Bronze Medal)] Go to the Top


Zeng, F.-G., Q. Tang and T. Lu (2014). “Abnormal pitch perception produced by cochlear implant stimulation.” PloS one 9(2): e88662. (2014 Zeng Tang Lu.pdf)

Lu, T., J. Huang, and F.-G. Zeng (2014). “Accurate Guitar Tuning by Cochlear Implant Musicians.” PloS one 9(3): e92454. (2014 Lu Huang Zeng.pdf)

Lopez Valdes, A., M. McLaughlin, L. Viani, P. Walshe, J. Smith, F.-G. Zeng, and R. B. Reilly (2014). “Objective assessment of spectral ripple discrimination in cochlear implant listeners using cortical evoked responses to an oddball paradigm.” PloS one 9(3): e90044. (2014 Lopez Reilly.pdf)


Zeng, F.-G. (2013). “An active loudness model suggesting tinnitus as increased central noise and hyperacusis as increased nonlinear gain.” Hearing research 295: 172-179. (2013 Zeng.pdf)

Yang, H.-I. and F.-G. Zeng (2013). “Reduced acoustic and electric integration in concurrent-vowel recognition.” Scientific reports 3. (2013 Yang and Zeng.pdf)

Wynne, D. P., F.-G. Zeng, S. Bhatt, H. J. Michalewski, A. Dimitrijevic and A. Starr (2013). “Loudness adaptation accompanying ribbon synapse and auditory nerve disorders.” Brain 136(Pt 5):1626-1638. (2013 Wynne.pdf)

McLaughlin, M., A. L. Valdes, R. B. Reilly and F.-G. Zeng (2013). “Cochlear implant artifact attenuation in late auditory evoked potentials: A single channel approach.” Hearing research 302: 84-95. (2013 McLoughlin Hear Res.pdf)

McLaughlin, M., R. B. Reilly and F.-G. Zeng (2013). “Rate and onset cues can improve cochlear implant synthetic vowel recognition in noise.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133(3): 1546-1560. (2013 McLoughlin JASA.pdf)

Lin, P., T. Lu and F.-G. Zeng (2013). “Central masking with bilateral cochlear implants.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133(2): 962-969. (2013 Lin.pdf)

Li H (李弘喆), P. Steyger and F.-G. Zeng (曾凡钢) (2013). “特定抗生素致聋的药物途径和意义 (Pathways and significance of specific antibiotic-induced deafness).” 中华耳科学杂志 Chinese Journal of Otology 11(2): 306-308. (2013 Li.pdf)

F.-G. Zeng (曾凡钢) (2013). “创造中国品牌人工耳蜗的千里之行 (The thousand-mile journey to create a Chinese cochlear implant).” 中国医学文摘: 耳鼻咽喉科学 Chinese Medical News and Reviews: Otolaryngology 28(5): 249-251. (2013 Zeng 创造.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. (2013). “The Highs and Lows of Hearing Healthcare in 2013.” The Hearing Journal 66(12): 2. (2013 High an Lows.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. (2013). “Inspiration from Bertram Scharf’s work.” Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 19(1): 050008. (2013 Scharf.pdf)

Wilson, B. S., D. E. Brackmann and F.-G. Zeng (2013). “Editorial: Remembering William House, DDS, MD.” The Hearing Journal 66(2): 2. (2013 Wilson.pdf)

Shannon, R. V. and F.-G. Zeng (2013). “Editorial: A Long-Deserved Award for the Cochlear Implant.” The Hearing Journal 66(11): 2. (2013 Shannon.pdf)


Zhu, Z., Q. Tang, F.-G. Zeng, T. Guan and D. Ye (2012). “Cochlear-implant spatial selectivity with monopolar, bipolar and tripolar stimulation.” Hearing research 283(1): 45-58. (2012 Zhu.pdf)

Sheffield, B. M. and F.-G. Zeng (2012). “The relative phonetic contributions of a cochlear implant and residual acoustic hearing to bimodal speech perception.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131(1): 518-530. (2012 Sheffield.pdf)

Reavis, K. M., V. S. Rothholtz, Q. Tang, J. A. Carroll, H. Djalilian and F.-G. Zeng (2012). “Temporary suppression of tinnitus by modulated sounds.” Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 13(4): 561-571. (2012 Reavis.pdf)

Mc Laughlin, M., T. Lu, A. Dimitrijevic and F. Zeng (2012). “Towards A Closed-Loop Cochlear Implant System: Application of Embedded Monitoring of Peripheral and Central Neural Activity.” IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 20(4):443-54. (2012 McLaughlin.pdf)

Chang, J. E. and F.-G. Zeng (2012). “Tinnitus suppression by electric stimulation of the auditory nerve.” Frontiers in systems neuroscience 6(19). (2012 Chang.pdf)

Zeng, F. G. (2012). “Tonal Language Processing.” Acoustics Today 8(2): 26-28. (2012 Tonal Language.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. (2012). “William F. House, MD, Audiology Pioneer.” The Hearing Journal 65(12): 32-34. (2012 House Interview.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. (2012). “Editorial: Celebrating 65 Years of The Hearing Journal.” The Hearing Journal 65(12): 2. (2012 Editorial.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. (2012). “Innovations in Personalized Hearing.” The Hearing Journal 65(8): 44. (2012 Personalized hearing.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. (2012). “Journal Club: To Be or Not to Be Implanted.” The Hearing Journal 65(2): 22-23. (2012 journal club.pdf)

Eggermont, J. J. and F.-G. Zeng (2012). Historical Reflections on Current Issues in Tinnitus. Tinnitus, Springer New York. 44: 1-19. (2012 Eggermont and Zeng.pdf)


Zeng, F.-G., Q. Tang, A. Dimitrijevic, A. Starr, J. Larky and N. H. Blevins (2011). “Tinnitus suppression by low-rate electric stimulation and its electrophysiological mechanisms.” Hearing research 277(1): 61-66. (2011 Zeng.pdf)

Yang, S. M. (杨仕明), W.D. Sheng (申卫东) and F.-G. Zeng (2011). “听觉植入的研发和临床应用进展.” 中国听力语言康复科学杂志 Chinese Scientific Journal of Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation. 46(3): 8-18. (2011 Yang.pdf)

Tang, Q., R. Benítez and F.-G. Zeng (2011). “Spatial channel interactions in cochlear implants.” Journal of neural engineering 8(4): 046029. (2011 Tang.pdf)

Sheng, W.D. (申卫东), S.M. Yang,  (杨仕明),  D.Y. Han (韩东一) and F.-G. Zeng (2011). “听力损失及其对听觉感知的影响-基于系统方法的研究进展 (Hearing impairment and its effects on auditory perception—a systematic approach).” 中华耳科学杂志 (Chinese Journal of Otology) 9(3): 341-352. (2011 Shen Ch J Otol.pdf)

Lu, T., R. Litovsky and F.-G. Zeng (2011). “Binaural unmasking with multiple adjacent masking electrodes in bilateral cochlear implant users.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129(6): 3934-3945. (2011 Lu.pdf)

Lin, P., C. W. Turner, B. J. Gantz, H. R. Djalilian and F.-G. Zeng (2011). “Ipsilateral masking between acoustic and electric stimulations.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 130(2): 858-865. (2011 Lin.pdf)

Dimitrijevic, A., A. Starr, S. Bhatt, H. J. Michalewski, F.-G. Zeng and H. Pratt (2011). “Auditory cortical N100 in pre-and post-synaptic auditory neuropathy to frequency or intensity changes of continuous tones.” Clinical Neurophysiology 122(3): 594-604. (2011 Dimitrijevic.pdf)

Cullington, H. E. and F.-G. Zeng (2011). “Comparison of bimodal and bilateral cochlear implant users on speech recognition with competing talker, music perception, affective prosody discrimination and talker identification.” Ear and hearing 32(1): 16. (2011 Cullington.pdf)

Chua, T. E. H., M. Bachman and F.-G. Zeng (2011). “Intensity coding in electric hearing: effects of electrode configurations and stimulation waveforms.” Ear and hearing 32(6): 679. (2011 Chua.pdf)

Carroll, J., S. Tiaden and F.-G. Zeng (2011). “Fundamental frequency is critical to speech perception in noise in combined acoustic and electric hearing.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 130(4): 2054-2062. (2011 Carroll.pdf)

Bhattacharya, A., A. Vandali and F.-G. Zeng (2011). “Combined spectral and temporal enhancement to improve cochlear-implant speech perception.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 130(5): 2951-2960. (2011 Bhattacharya.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. (2011). “Advances in auditory prostheses.” Auditory prostheses: New horizons (Eds. Zeng, A Popper, RR Fay), Springer: 39: 1-11. (2011 Auditory Prostheses.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. (2011). “New horizons in auditory prostheses.” The Hearing Journal 64(11): 24-26. (2011 New horizons.pdf)

Zhang, D., F. G. Zeng and B. S. Atal (2011). “Using spectral constancy to encode temporal pitch and improve cochlear‐implant melody perception.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129(4): 2656-2656. (2011 Zhang.pdf)

Lu, T., H. Djalilian, F.-G. Zeng, H. Chen and X. Sun (2011). “An integrated vestibular-cochlear prosthesis for restoring balance and hearing.”  The 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: 1319-1322 (2011 Vestibular implant.pdf)


Zhu, Z., Q. Tang, F.-G. Zeng, T. Guan and D. Ye (2010). “Electric field imaging of monopolar, bipolar and tripolar modes of electric stimuli in cochlear implant users (单极, 双极和三极刺激模式在人耳蜗内电场成像).” Journal of Tsinghua University Science and Technology 清华大学学报(自然科学版) 50(9): 1440-1444. (2010 Zhu.pdf)

Lu, T., R. Litovsky and F.-G. Zeng (2010). “Binaural masking level differences in actual and simulated bilateral cochlear implant listeners.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127(3): 1479-1490. (2010 Lu.pdf)

Garadat, S. N., R. Y. Litovsky, G. Yu and F.-G. Zeng (2010). “Effects of simulated spectral holes on speech intelligibility and spatial release from masking under binaural and monaural listening.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127(2): 977-989. (2010 Garadat.pdf)

Cullington, H. E. and F.-G. Zeng (2010). “Comparison of bimodal and bilateral cochlear implant users.” Cochlear implants international 11(Supplement-1): 67-74. (2010 Cullington Coch Implant Int.pdf)

Cullington, H. E. and F.-G. Zeng (2010). “Bimodal hearing benefit for speech recognition with competing voice in cochlear implant subject with normal hearing in contralateral ear.” Ear and hearing 31(1): 70. (2010 Cullington Ear Hear.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. and H. Djalilian (2010). “Hearing impairment.” PLACK, C. The Oxford Handbook of Auditory Science. New York: Oxford 3: 325-348. (2010 Zeng Djalilian.pdf).

Altération auditive: A French version of this paper is also available (2010 Zeng Djalilian French.pdf).

Zeng, F.-G. (2010). “The Best of 2009: Cochlear Implants.” The Hearing Journal 63(6): 38-40.

Reavis, K. M., J. E. Chang and F.-G. Zeng (2010). “Patterned sound therapy for the treatment of tinnitus.” The Hearing Journal 63(11): 21-22.


Singh, S., Y.-Y. Kong and F.-G. Zeng (2009). “Cochlear implant melody recognition as a function of melody frequency range, harmonicity, and number of electrodes.” Ear and hearing 30(2): 160. (2009 Singh.pdf)

Michalewski, H. J., A. Starr, F.-G. Zeng and A. Dimitrijevic (2009). “N100 cortical potentials accompanying disrupted auditory nerve activity in auditory neuropathy (AN): Effects of signal intensity and continuous noise.” Clinical Neurophysiology 120(7): 1352-1363. (2009 Michalewski.pdf)

Liu, J., J. Xin, Y. Qi and F.-G. Zeng (2009). “A time domain algorithm for blind separation of convolutive sound mixtures and L1 constrainted minimization of cross correlations.” Communications in Mathematical Sciences 7(1): 109-128. (2009 Liu.pdf)

Garadat, S. N., R. Y. Litovsky, G. Yu and F.-G. Zeng (2009). “Role of binaural hearing in speech intelligibility and spatial release from masking using vocoded speech.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 126(5): 2522-2535. (2009 Garadat.pdf)

Dimitrijevic, A., B. Lolli, H. J. Michalewski, H. Pratt, F.-G. Zeng and A. Starr (2009). “Intensity changes in a continuous tone: Auditory cortical potentials comparison with frequency changes.” Clinical Neurophysiology 120(2): 374-383. (2009 Dimitrijevic.pdf)

Chung, K. and F.-G. Zeng (2009). “Using hearing aid adaptive directional microphones to enhance cochlear implant performance.” Hearing research 250(1): 27-37. (2009 Chung.pdf)

Yu, M., J. Xin, Y. Qi, H.-I. Yang and F.-G. Zeng (2009). “A non locally weighted soft-constrained natural gradient algorithm and blind separation of strongly reverberant speech mixtures.” IEEE 2009 Conference Record of the Forty-Third Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers.

Xin, J., M. Yu, Y. Qi, H.-I. Yang and F.-G. Zeng (2009). “A non locally weighted soft-constrained natural gradient algorithm for blind separation of reverberant speech.” IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, WASPAA’09.

Zeng, F.-G., S. Rebscher, W. V. Harrison, X. Sun and H. Feng (2009). Cochlear implants. Implantable Neural Prostheses 1, Springer US: 85-116.


Zeng, F.-G., S. Rebscher, W. Harrison, X. Sun and H. Feng (2008). “Cochlear implants: system design, integration, and evaluation.” IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering 1: 115-142. (2008 Zeng.pdf)

人工耳蜗系统设计: A Chinese version of this paper is also available (2008 中文版.pdf)

Dimitrijevic, A., H. J. Michalewski, F.-G. Zeng, H. Pratt and A. Starr (2008). “Frequency changes in a continuous tone: auditory cortical potentials.” Clinical Neurophysiology 119(9): 2111-2124. (2008 Dimitrijevic.pdf)

Desai, S., G. Stickney and F.-G. Zeng (2008). “Auditory-visual speech perception in normal-hearing and cochlear-implant listeners.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123(1): 428-440. (2008 Desai.pdf)

Cullington, H. E. and F.-G. Zeng (2008). “Speech recognition with varying numbers and types of competing talkers by normal-hearing, cochlear-implant, and implant simulation subjects.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123(1): 450-461. (2008 Cullington.pdf)

Starr, A., F. Zeng, H. Michalewski and T. Moser (2008). “Perspectives on Auditory Neuropathy: Disorders of Inner Hair Cell, Auditory Nerve, and Their Synapse.” Audition (Eds: P. Dallos and D. Oertel). San Diego, Academic Press 3: 397-412. (2008 Starr.pdf)


Wei, C., K. Cao, X. Jin, X. Chen and F.-G. Zeng (2007). “Psychophysical performance and Mandarin tone recognition in noise by cochlear implant users.” Ear and hearing 28(2 Suppl): 62-65. (2007 Wei.pdf)

Wei, C.(魏朝刚), K. Cao (曹克利), F.-G. Zeng(曾凡钢), T. Chua and Q.J. Fu (2007). “汉语语后聋患者双侧人工耳蜗植入一例(Bilateral cochlear implantation in a post-lingually deafened Mandarin-speaking patient).” 中华耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志 Chinese journal of otorhinolaryngology head and neck surgery 42(6): 468-469. (2007 Wei 中文.pdf)

Stickney, G. S., P. F. Assmann, J. Chang and F.-G. Zeng (2007). “Effects of cochlear implant processing and fundamental frequency on the intelligibility of competing sentences.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 122(2): 1069-1078. (2007 Stickney.pdf)

Carroll, J. and F.-G. Zeng (2007). “Fundamental frequency discrimination and speech perception in noise in cochlear implant simulations.” Hearing research 231(1): 42-53. (2007 Carroll.pdf)

Bhattacharya, A. and F.-G. Zeng (2007). “Companding to improve cochlear-implant speech recognition in speech-shaped noise.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 122(2): 1079-1089. (2007 Bhattacharya.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. and S. Micera (2007). “Guest editorial: sense and sensibility in neuroengineering.” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 6(54): 965-968. (2007 Zeng and Mercera.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. (2007). “Cochlear implants: Why don’t more people use them?” The Hearing Journal 60(3): 48-49. (2007 Zeng HJ.pdf)


Zeng, F.-G. and S. Liu (2006). “Speech perception in individuals with auditory neuropathy.” Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 49(2): 367-380. (2006 Zeng Liu.pdf)

Tang, Q., S. Liu and F.-G. Zeng (2006). “Loudness adaptation in acoustic and electric hearing.” Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 7(1): 59-70. (2006 Tang.pdf)

Shkel, A. M. and F.-G. Zeng (2006). “An electronic prosthesis mimicking the dynamic vestibular function.” Audiol Neurotol 11(2): 113–122. (2006 Shkel.pdf)

Nie, K., A. Barco and F.-G. Zeng (2006). “Spectral and temporal cues in cochlear implant speech perception.” Ear and hearing 27(2): 208-217. (2006 Nie.pdf)

Luo, H., J.-T. Ni, Z.-H. Li, X.-O. Li, D.-R. Zhang, F.-G. Zeng and L. Chen (2006). “Opposite patterns of hemisphere dominance for early auditory processing of lexical tones and consonants.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103(51): 19558-19563. (2006 Luo.pdf)

Liu, S. and F.-G. Zeng (2006). “Temporal properties in clear speech perception.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 120(1): 424-432. (2006 Liu.pdf)

Kong, Y.-Y. and F.-G. Zeng (2006). “Temporal and spectral cues in Mandarin tone recognition.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 120(5): 2830-2840. (2006 Kong.pdf)

Chung, K., F.-G. Zeng and K. N. Acker (2006). “Effects of directional microphone and adaptive multichannel noise reduction algorithm on cochlear implant performance.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 120(4): 2216-2227. (2006 Chung.pdf)

Chang, J. E., J. Y. Bai and F.-G. Zeng (2006). “Unintelligible low-frequency sound enhances simulated cochlear-implant speech recognition in noise.” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 53(12): 2598-2601. (2006 Chang.pdf)

Bachman, M., F.-G. Zeng, T. Xu and G.-P. Li (2006). “Micromechanical resonator array for an implantable bionic ear.” Audiology and Neurotology 11(2): 95-103. (2006 Bachman.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. (2006). “Editorial on micro- and nanotechnology for neurotology.” Audiology and Neurotology 11(2): 76. (2006 Zeng Editorial)

Wu, J., W. Feng, W. C. Tang and F.-G. Zeng (2006). “A microsystem with varying-length electrode arrays for auditory nerve prostheses.” IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society and the 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-EMBS.

Shannon, R. V., Q.-J. Fu, F.-G. Zeng and J. Wygonski (2006). “Prosthetic Hearing: Implications for Pattern Recognition in Speech.” Listening to Speech: An Auditory Perspective: 289.


Zeng, F.-G., K. Nie, G. S. Stickney, Y.-Y. Kong, M. Vongphoe, A. Bhargave, C. Wei and K. Cao (2005). “Speech recognition with amplitude and frequency modulations.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 102(7): 2293-2298. (2005 PNAS.pdf) and Supporting Information (2005 SI.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G., Y.-Y. Kong, H. J. Michalewski and A. Starr (2005). “Perceptual consequences of disrupted auditory nerve activity.” Journal of Neurophysiology 93(6): 3050-3063. (2005 Neurophy.pdf)
Prof. Donata Oertel’s Editorial Focus on “Importance of timing for understanding speech. (2005 Oertel.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G., H. Chen and S. Han (2005). “Temporal masking in electric hearing.” Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 6(4): 390-400.(2005 JARO.pdf)

Vongphoe, M. and F.-G. Zeng (2005). “Speaker recognition with temporal cues in acoustic and electric hearing.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 118(2): 1055-1061. (2005 Vongphoe.pdf)

Stickney, G. S., K. Nie and F.-G. Zeng (2005). “Contribution of frequency modulation to speech recognition in noise.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America118(4): 2412-2420. (2005 Stickney.pdf)

Nie, K., G. Stickney and F.-G. Zeng (2005). “Encoding frequency modulation to improve cochlear implant performance in noise.” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 52(1): 64-73. (2005 FAME.pdf)
[Received 2010 Outstanding Paper Award of IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering]
A MATLAB based program for FAME can be downloaded here:
Read me file (2005 readme.pdf) and the matlab code (2005 FAME.m)

Michalewski, H. J., A. Starr, T. T. Nguyen, Y.-Y. Kong and F.-G. Zeng (2005). “Auditory temporal processes in normal-hearing individuals and in patients with auditory neuropathy.” Clinical Neurophysiology 116(3): 669-680. (2005 Michalewski.pdf)

Kong, Y.-Y., G. S. Stickney and F.-G. Zeng (2005). “Speech and melody recognition in binaurally combined acoustic and electric hearing.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 117(3): 1351-1361. (2005 Kong.pdf)

Chen, H., Y. C. Ishihara and F.-G. Zeng (2005). “Pitch discrimination of patterned electric stimulation.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 118(1): 338-345. (2005 Chen.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G., K. Nie, G. Stickney and Y.-Y. Kong (2005). Auditory perception with slowly-varying amplitude and frequency modulations. Auditory Signal Processing (Eds: D Pressnitzer; A de Cheveigne; S McAdams; L Collet), Springer New York: 282-290.

Wu, J., W. Tang and F. Zeng (2005). “A high-density micromachined electrode array for auditory nerve implants.” Proc. Summer Bioeng. Conf: 22-26.

Wu, J., L. Yan, H. Xu, W. C. Tang and F.-G. Zeng (2005). “A curvature-controlled 3D micro-electrode array for cochlear implants.” IEEE on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, 2005.  The 13th International Conference on TRANSDUCERS’05.

Wu, J., L. Yan, W. C. Tang and F.-G. Zeng (2005). “Micro machined electrode arrays with form-fitting profile for auditory nerve prostheses.” IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society and the 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-EMBS 2005.


Zeng, F.-G.(曾凡钢), 魏朝刚 and 曹克利 (2004). “人工听觉的过去现在和未来 Past, Present and Future of Cochlear Implants.” 中华耳鼻咽喉科杂志 Chin J Otorhinolaryngol 39(10): 631-634. (2004 Zeng中文.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G., K. Nie, S. Liu, G. Stickney, E. Del Rio, Y.-Y. Kong and H. Chen (2004). “On the dichotomy in auditory perception between temporal envelope and fine structure cues.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 116(3): 1351-1354. (2004 Chimera.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. (2004). “Trends in cochlear implants.” Trends in amplification 8(1): 1-34. (2004 Trends in CI.pdf)

Xu, T., M. Bachman, F.-G. Zeng and G.-P. Li (2004). “Polymeric micro-cantilever array for auditory front-end processing.” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 114(2): 176-182. (2004 Xu.pdf)

Wei, C.-G. (魏朝刚), 曹克利, 陈晓巍, 金昕, 郑振宇 and 曾凡钢(F.-G. Zeng) (2004). “语前聋儿童人工耳蜗植入患者的电极极间辨差阈与声调识别的初步研究 Tone recognition and electrode discrimination in prelingually deafened cochlear-implant listeners.” 中华耳鼻咽喉科杂志 Chin J Otorhinolaryngol 39(2): 73-76. (2004 Wei Ch J Oto.pdf)

Wei, C.-G., K. Cao and F.-G. Zeng (2004). “Mandarin tone recognition in cochlear-implant subjects.” Hearing research 197(1): 87-95. (2004 Wei Hear Res.pdf)

Stickney, G. S., F.-G. Zeng, R. Litovsky and P. Assmann (2004). “Cochlear implant speech recognition with speech maskers.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 116(2): 1081-1091. (2004 Stickney JASA.pdf)

Stickney, G., K. Nie, Y.-Y. Kong, H. Chen and F.-G. Zeng (2004). “Temporal fine structure: the missing component in speech processing algorithms.” International Congress Series 1273: 23-26. (2004 Stickney ICS.pdf)

Starr, A., B. Isaacson, H. J. Michalewski, F.-G. Zeng, Y.-Y. Kong, P. Beale, G. W. Paulson, B. J. Keats and M. M. Lesperance (2004). “A dominantly inherited progressive deafness affecting distal auditory nerve and hair cells.” Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 5(4): 411-426. (2004 Starr.pdf)

Liu, S., E. Del Rio, A. R. Bradlow and F.-G. Zeng (2004). “Clear speech perception in acoustic and electric hearing.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America116(4): 2374-2383. (2004 Liu.pdf)

Lan, N., K. Nie, S. Gao and F.-G. Zeng (2004). “A novel speech-processing strategy incorporating tonal information for cochlear implants.” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,  51(5): 752-760. (2004 Lan.pdf)

Kong, Y.-Y. and F.-G. Zeng (2004). “Mandarin tone recognition in acoustic and electric hearing.” Cochlear implants international 5(Supplement-1): 175-177. (2004 Kong CI Int.pdf)

Kong, Y.-Y., R. Cruz, J. A. Jones and F.-G. Zeng (2004). “Music perception with temporal cues in acoustic and electric hearing.” Ear and hearing 25(2): 173-185. (2004 Kong CI music.pdf)

Chung, K., F.-G. Zeng and S. Waltzman (2004). “Utilizing advanced hearing aid technologies as pre-processors to enhance cochlear implant performance.” Cochlear implants international 5(Supplement-1): 192-195. (2004 Chung CI Int.pdf)

Chung, K., F.-G. Zeng and S. Waltzman (2004). “Utilizing hearing aid directional microphones and noise reduction algorithms to improve speech understanding and listening preferences for cochlear implant users.” International Congress Series 1273: 89-92. (2004 Chung ICS.pdf)

Chung, K., F.-G. Zeng and S. Waltzman (2004). “Using hearing aid directional microphones and noise reduction algorithms to enhance cochlear implant performance.” Acoustics research letters online 5(2): 56-61. (2004 Chung ARLO.pdf)

Chen, H. and F.-G. Zeng (2004). “Frequency modulation detection in cochlear implant subjects.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 116(4): 2269-2277. (2004 Chen.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. (2004). Compression and cochlear implants. Compression: From cochlea to cochlear Implants (Eds by SP Bacon, RR Fay and AN Popper), Springer New York: 184-220 (2004 Zeng Compression.pdf).

Zeng, F.-G. (2004). Auditory prostheses: past, present, and future. Cochlear implants: Auditory prostheses and electric hearing (Eds by FG Zeng, AN Popper and RR Fay), Springer New York: 1-13.

Nie, K. and F.-G. Zeng (2004). “Using neural network and principal component analysis to study vowel recognition with temporal envelope cues.” IEMBS’04 and 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.

Nie, K. and F.-G. Zeng (2004). “A perception-based processing strategy for cochlear implants and speech coding.” IEMBS’04 and 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.


Starr, A., H. J. Michalewski, F. G. Zeng, S. Fujikawa‐Brooks, F. Linthicum, C. S. Kim, D. Winnier and B. Keats (2003). “Pathology and physiology of auditory neuropathy with a novel mutation in the MPZ gene (Tyr145→ Ser).” Brain 126(7): 1604-1619. (2003 Starr.pdf)

Behnam, S. E. and F.-G. Zeng (2003). “Noise improves suprathreshold discrimination in cochlear-implant listeners.” Hearing research 186(1): 91-93. (2003 Behnam.pdf)

Xu, T., M. Bachman, F.-G. Zeng and G.-P. Li (2003). Polymeric micro-cantilever acoustic sensor array. TRANSDUCERS, Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, 12th International Conference on, 2003, IEEE.

Liu, J., A. M. Shkel, K. Niel and F.-G. Zeng (2003). System design and experimental evaluation of a MEMS-based semicircular canal prosthesis. Neural Engineering, 2003. Conference Proceedings. First International IEEE EMBS Conference on, IEEE.


Zeng, F.-G., G. Grant, J. Niparko, J. Galvin, R. Shannon, J. Opie and P. Segel (2002). “Speech dynamic range and its effect on cochlear implant performance.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 111(1): 377-386. (2002 JASA.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. (2002). “Temporal pitch in electric hearing.” Hearing research 174(1): 101-106. (2002 Hear Res.pdf)

Shkel, A. M., J. Liu, C. Ikei and F.-G. Zeng (2002). “Feasibility study on a prototype of vestibular implant using MEMS gyroscopes.” Proceedings of IEEE Sensors: 1526-1531. (2002 Shkel.pdf)


Zeng, F.-G., S. Oba and A. Starr (2001). “Supra threshold processing deficits due to desynchronous neural activities in auditory neuropathy.” Physiological and Psychophysical Bases of Auditory Function: 365-372.

Zeng, F.-G., S. Oba, S. Garde, Y. Sininger and A. Starr (2001). “Psychoacoustics and Speech Perception in Auditory Neuropathy.” Auditory neuropathy: A new perspective on hearing disorders (Eds Y Sininger and A Starr). Singular San Diego: 141-164. (2001 Zeng.pdf)


Zeng, F.-G., K. M. Martino, F. H. Linthicum and S. D. Soli (2000). “Auditory perception in vestibular neurectomy subjects.” Hearing research 142(1): 102-112. (2000 Hear Res.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G., Q.-J. Fu and R. Morse (2000). “Human hearing enhanced by noise.” Brain research 869(1): 251-255. (2000 noise.pdf)

Fu, Q.-J. and F.-G. Zeng (2000). “Identification of temporal envelope cues in Chinese tone recognition.” Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing 5(1): 45-57. (2000 Fu.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. (2000). “Auditory neuropathy: why some hearing-impaired listeners can hear but do not understand and how can DSP technology help them.” IEEE Signal Processing Society, Ninth DSP (DSP 2000) Workshop, Hunt, TX.


Zeng, F.-G. and R. V. Shannon (1999). “Psychophysical laws revealed by electric hearing.” NeuroReport 10(9): 1931-1935. (1999 psychophysical laws.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G., S. Oba, S. Garde, Y. Sininger and A. Starr (1999). “Temporal and speech processing deficits in auditory neuropathy.” NeuroReport 10(16): 3429-3435. (1999 Auditory Neuropathy.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. and J. J. Galvin III (1999). “Amplitude mapping and phoneme recognition in cochlear implant listeners.” Ear and hearing 20(1): 60-74. (1999 Zeng Galvin.pdf)

Wei, C.-G. (魏朝刚), 曹克利, 王直中 and F.-G. Zeng (曾凡钢) (1999). “母语为汉语患者应用多道人工耳蜗的言语识别 Speech Recognition in Mandarin-Speaking Patients With a Multichannel Cochlear Implant.” 听力学及言语疾病杂志 J Audiol Speech Path 7(4). (1999 Wei J Audiol Sp Disord 中文.pdf)

Wei, C.-G. (魏朝刚), 曹克利, 王直中 and F.-G. Zeng (曾凡钢) (1999). “多通道人工耳蜗使用者电刺激速率辨别与声调识别的关系 Rate discrimination and tone recognition in mandarin-speaking cochlear-implant listeners.” 中华耳鼻咽喉科杂志 Chinese J Otorhinolaryngol 34(2): 84-88. (1999 Wei Ch J Oto 中文.pdf)


Zeng, F.-G., J. J. Galvin III and C. Zhang (1998). “Encoding loudness by electric stimulation of the auditory nerve.” NeuroReport 9(8): 1845-1848. (1998 CI Loudness.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. (曾凡钢), 曹克利 and 王直中 (1998). “耳蜗植入术的进展 Advances in the cochlear implantation.” 中华耳鼻咽喉科杂志 Chin J Otorhinolaryngol 33(2): 123-125. (1998 CI review 中文.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. (1998). “Interactions of forward and simultaneous masking in intensity discrimination.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 103(4): 2021-2030. (1998 Zeng.pdf)

Wilson, B. S., S. Rebscher, F.-G. Zeng, R. V. Shannon, G. E. Loeb, D. T. Lawson and M. Zerbi (1998). “Design for an inexpensive but effective cochlear implant.” Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 118(2): 235-241. (1998 Wilson.pdf)

Shannon, R. V., F.-G. Zeng and J. Wygonski (1998). “Speech recognition with altered spectral distribution of envelope cues.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 104(4): 2467-2476. (1998 Shannon.pdf)

Fu, Q.-J., F.-G. Zeng, R. V. Shannon and S. D. Soli (1998). “Importance of tonal envelope cues in Chinese speech recognition.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 104(1): 505-510. (1998 Fu.pdf)

Galvin, J. and F. G. Zeng (1998). “Musical instrument perception in cochlear implant listeners.” Proc of 16th Inter Cong Acoust and 135th Meet Acoust Soc Am 3: 2219-2220.

Ay, S. U., B. Shen and F.-G. Zeng (1998). “High performance programmable bi-phasic pulse generator design for a cochlear speech processor.” ISCAS’98 – Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems.


Zhang, C. and F.-G. Zeng (1997). “Loudness of dynamic stimuli in acoustic and electric hearing.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 102(5): 2925-2934. (1997 Zhang.pdf)

Ay, S. U., F.-G. Zeng and B. J. Sheu (1997). “Hearing with bionic ears [cochlear implant devices].” IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine 13(3): 18-23. (1997 Ay.pdf)


Abdala, C., Y. S. Sininger, M. Ekelid and F.-G. Zeng (1996). “Distortion product otoacoustic emission suppression tuning curves in human adults and neonates.” Hearing research 98(1): 38-53. (1996 Abdala.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. (1996). “Cochlear Implants in Developing Countries.” Cochlear Implant Club International Contact 10(4): 5-9. (1996 Zeng.pdf)


Zeng, F.-G. and R. V. Shannon (1995). “Possible origins of the non-monotonic intensity discrimination function in forward masking.” Hearing research 82(2): 216-224. (1995 Hear Res.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. and R.V. Shannon (1995). “Loudness of simple and complex stimuli in electric hearing.” The Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology. Supplement 166: 235-238. (1995 Annals.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. (1995). “Cochlear Implants in China” International Journal of Audiology 34(2): 61-75. (1995 CI in China.pdf)

Shannon, R. V., F.-G. Zeng, V. Kamath, J. Wygonski and M. Ekelid (1995). “Speech recognition with primarily temporal cues.” Science 270(5234): 303-304. (1995 Shannon.pdf)


Zeng, F. G. (1994). “Loudness growth in forward masking: relation to intensity discrimination.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 96(4): 2127-2132. (1994 Loudness.pdf)

Zeng, F.-G. and R. V. Shannon (1994). “Loudness-coding mechanisms inferred from electric stimulation of the human auditory system.” Science 264(5158): 564-566. (1994 Science.pdf)

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US20100208631A1 Inaudible methods, apparatus and systems for jointly transmitting and processing, analog-digital information. The Regents Of The University Of California.       Duo Zhang, Fan-Gang Zeng

US20080215332A1 Methods and apparatus for adapting speech coders to improve cochlear implant performance. Fan-Gang Zeng, Hongbin Chen

US20090024184A1 Cochlear implant utilizing multiple-resolution current sources and flexible data encoding. Nurotron Biotechnology, Inc. Xiaoan Sun, Hongbin Chen, Qian-Jie Fu, Fan-Gang Zeng

US20070203535A1 Cochlear implants and apparatus/methods for improving audio signals by use of frequency-amplitude-modulation-encoding (FAME) strategies. The Regents Of The University Of California. Fan-Gang Zeng, Kai-Bao Nie

US8098859B2 Methods, devices and systems using signal processing algorithms to improve speech intelligibility and listening comfort. . The Regents Of The University Of California. Fan-Gang Zeng, Sheng Liu

KR20050059075A Vibration detectors, sound detectors, hearing aids, cochlear implants and related methods. Univ California. Tao Xu, Fan Gang Zeng, Guann Pyng Li, Mark Bachman, Patrick Coffey

US8942815B2 Enhancing cochlear implants with hearing aid signal processing technologies. King Chung, Fan-Gang Zeng  (2004)

EP1421720A4 Cochlear implants and apparatus/methods for improving audio signals by use of frequency-amplitude-modulation-encoding (fame) strategies. University of California. Fan-Gang Zeng, Kai-Bao Nie (2005)

US5749912A Low-cost, four-channel cochlear implant. House Ear Institute, Advanced Bionics Corporation. Chaoying Zhang, Franco Portillo, Fan-Gang Zeng, Robert V. Shannon, Gerald E. Loeb (1998)

US Patent 5,549,658 Four-Channel cochlear system with a passive, non-hermetically sealed implant. House Ear Institute, Advanced Bionics Corporation. Robert V. Shannon, Gerald E. Loeb, Fan-Gang Zeng (1996)